Saturday, 25 April 2015

CV Writing Services in Kenya

CV Writing Services in Kenya 

Kenya CV Writing Service Company

Best CV Writing Services in Nairobi 

Help in CV writing services in Kenya is available in Nairobi city. There are companies that offer CV writing services to Kenyan job seekers and other that may need the service. These are professional CV writing experts that know how to match your qualifications with the target job description and requirements. Hiring a CV writing service in Kenya will highlight your qualifications for the new job and increase your chances of being called for that interview. The more interviews you attend, the sooner you can get your dream job. Don’t waste time applying for a job with a mediocre CV format; you won’t make it past the CV screening stage.

When getting your CV done, the most important thing is to have all information that is required ready. Some of these professional CV writing experts can do the job for you in a matter of hours to meet the submission deadline. The information that is required for the expert CV writers to do your cv include:
  • Your target job and its requirements including if available the exact job advert
  • Alternatively provide one or two areas on or jobs that you want your cv to be tailored towards
  • A list of achievements in your last 3 jobs if you held any
  • If you are fresh from college, which profession do you want to target
  • Academic qualifications which must include the courses taken relevant to the targeted job requirements
  • Additional skills, qualities and attributes
  • Membership to professional organisations is also helpful
  • Any certificates besides academic that you may have.
  • Three (3) referees including their addresses and contact details
  • In some cases, they will ask for your current CV that you have so that they can extract relevant information.
The professional cv writing company in Nairobi will in most cases respond to urgent requests. For example you need a CV done before the end of the day so as to meet a deadline. They may however charge an extra fee for express services as they would have to put down other CVs they had been working on.

You can also find out more details on how to get CV writing services in Kenya, or ask for advice on how to write one. Their charges are very affordable and they have a fast turnaround and the best part is they did for me a cv once and I got a job on my 2nd Interview. Talk to Robert, he is very helpful. You can reach them through this number 0722661827

Friday, 24 April 2015

Kenya Jobs CV Writing Format for Journalism, Marketing, Customer Care, Sales

Marketing CV Writing Format in Kenya

 Ways to a great CV Writing Format in Kenya

Kenya Customer Care CV Writing Format

Best CV Writing Format for Journalism, Sales Jobs

Get help on cv writing format for Kenyan jobs in the filed of marketing, journalism, sales, customer care and many others. You can get your cv written in Nairobi Kenya in a matter of hours and done professionally. The professional CV Writers in Nairobi will match your qualifications and experience and pick the strong ones that match with the new job opening requirements. The whole process of matching your strengths to those of the new job will elevate your chances of getting invited to that interview.

In your CV, there are some sections which are very critical to include and these are as outlined below:
  1. Career objective. 
  2. Outline courses done in college or university that are relevant to the job being sort.
  3. State the past experience including jobs held and responsibilities in the general area that relate to the targeted job.
  4. Outline achievements in past jobs held e.g fund raised over $3 million as part of a team.
  5. Indicate if you had held any supervisory of management positions in your past experience. 
  6. Outline any special skills and competencies you have relevant to the job being searched.
  7. Indicate any membership to professional associations like Association of Kenya Architects etc.
  8. Indicate other necessary qualifications like a drivers license. 
  9. Finally have up to date references with working contacts. 

Career Objective
Career objective is the most important part of your Curriculum Vitae format, which describe your motive for job. This statement helps employers to determine whether your goal is in line with their organization and the job available. It is advisable to take time and develop a powerful introduction to the CV. Your career objective should not be too long and should be 2-3 lines maximum. Avoid ambiguity in the career objective and ensure you tie your goal to the achievement of your employers own business goals.

Academic Qualification Courses Taken in your cv
Most people forget to mention the courses they did in college or university in their resume that may be relevant to the target job and only end up mentioning the general course. The employer needs to see firstly, if you are trained in the relevant area and have a general understanding of the theoretical part of the job. You need to re look at your transcripts and extract the relevant courses to the new job. Putting your courses is very important in your resume.

Past Experience Part of your CV

Needless to say, this is the most critical area of your Curriculum Vitae since it is where you show a potential employer of your hands on knowledge of the same job that is on offer. At this step, make sure to match your past responsibilities with the requirements and description of the new job on offer. It will help you to keenly review the new job requirements and then look at your experience and indicate those responsibilities and duties in your previous positions that mirror what is required. The matching step is very critical as this is where the CV Screening  person looks at to compare and draw similarities and congruence between your CV experience and the needs of the new job.

When you are describing your past experience in your CV, its is advisable to include the achievements you may have made. This shows that you not only carried out your responsibility in your past Jobs, but that you also achieved certain milestones. For example a fund raising professional would indicate the amount he managed to raise in a given time frame. A sales and marketing professional may mention the volumes of product they managed to sell or membership numbers their team achieved.

Managerial /Supervisory Skills
When describing your past Jobs, it is also good practise to indicate if you were in any leadership position since this reflects well with your future employer. Leadership skills are desirable but more so are team working qualities.

Skills, Qualities and Attributes
This is a separate section of the CV sample where you indicate any special skills and competencies that you have that are related to the new job on offer. These are like added value knowledge that will make you more productive in your future job. An example is the additional and helpful skills set for an accountant would be: motivation, accuracy, analytical, commitment, detail orientation, Mathematical, Computer skills like word, excel, access and others.

Memberships to Professional Organisations
If you are a member of any professional organisation, this is the place to say it in your Curriculum Vitae. It helps to be a member of a professional organisation like Marketing Society of Kenya etc.

Other Qualifications
You can mention if you have a drivers license at this point.You can also mention if you have a valid passport.

Make sure that you have atleast 3 referees with up to date contact details in case the employer would want to contact them for more information. It is good practice to let your referees know that you will be putting them in as references and maintain occasional contact with them.

If you would like to get your cv done by professionals, Contact this CV Writing Expert here; Call Robert on 0722661827 or email him on